Une AnnĂ©e en France!

It’s been almost a year since we moved to France! Daily baguettes and une verre du vin has become an integral part of our life. I have been busy with my french course for the past couple of months. Going back to university is more tiring than exciting. No more waking up late, no more whiling […]

My little city Montpellier

Long weekends are those days in calendar that would bring instant joy in my face when in the US. Long weekends=plan trips three weeks prior! I was still stuck in the US calendar and forgot I had moved to France. You wouldn’t believe May is the month of random holidays in France! Well, we have […]

Here comes the French Spring ~ Le Printemps

It’s been five months since we moved to Montpellier, finally we have settled! I thought settling in a country where you don’t speak their language would take forever and ever. There are some difficult things to deal with for the first time. Some of it would sound so bizarre like taking an hour to send […]